Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bye Bye Bangkok

Allo Loves. Its been an eventful week I must say. Am Happy to have left the mayhem that is bangkok. There are soooo many people in bangkok and wayyy to many tourists so I was pleased to leave. I got to hang out with Jen plenty... im not sure if she made it back to Canada or not? If someone knows let me know haha. Oh Jen.

Anyways, so I left Bankok I guess only yesterday and took a fairly short bus ride to the city Kanchannaburri. It is a much slower pace then bangkok.. but compared to home it is still hectic. The country side though is unbelievable!! This is the thailand i came to see. Our guest house is lovely and is right beside a farm... with a rooster that roosts allllllllll morning and some other crazy animals that i dont see... just hear haha. There is also no tourists where we are so thats lovely. The food is still amazing and cheap.. havent eaten anything to crazy but i did stumble across some scorpions and crickets that me and some italianos ate... "when in rome".

Today we went to Erawan falls... CHECK IT OUT! absolutely breathtaking 7 tiered elephant waterfall.. with nice monkeys and beautiful water... on this blog thing it is a bit difficult to post pictures one after the other so im uploading them all to facebook to get them off my card and in a safe place! My friend Vicki and I have been touring together... shes from England, ive met quite a few people from england i must say. Also... germany, switzerland, morrocco, australia and the list goes on. The thai people are very niceeee in a lot of ways and a lot can speak broken english which helps. There very beautiful people with humble families. Tomorrow i will be floating down the Kwai River on a barge for 24 hours.. should be amaaazing.. but its sooo HOT here , i hope we dont die of heat exhaustion on the barge... we will be swimming in areas.. .but from what i understand theres lizards and big fish and all kinds of crazies in the water... how do you know if you dont try? lol.
Anyways things are good...we are about to head to a night market to pick up some some food for our breakfasts...vicki and i are trying to live off of 200 Baht or less a day... like seven dollars... its not that hard ..crazy hey? You can get a full on Songthaew...a truck with benches in the back to super far distances for 150 baht per person... amazing how little they work for and no complaints.
Ill be in touch soon.... and be calling the family in the next day or so! I love you all.

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